Saturday, September 27, 2003

Its been a pleasant month I must say.... September that is. I enjoyed the trip to KL, I got new clothes, new shoes, new handbag ... annnndddd a new hand phone ! I love the new phone; its Nokia 3530. Its not the latest gadget by Nokia, but I just love it !!! To top it all (the good things) I managed to pay the arrears of my personal loan. Yuppeeee !!! ALHAMDULIILLAH ! Praise to Allah.

Kak Nora spent the nite with me yesterday. We seem to get along very well; compared to the way how my relationship is (was!)with her sis. Nora is actually the elder sister of my good friend, Net. I mean not that shes turned bad or something .. but the relationship has. Me and her. Me n Net used to be such a good company but I think people change. We both change. I may be the person she no longer enjoys being frens with, and vice versa. May be she had gone such a rough time and the way she looks at things now has been affected or may be it is me who has changed.

I do have a few close frens, like Motien and Mulaikah. Theyre the persons who have been with me from as long as I can remember and we still connect. Motien has known me for almost 25 years and Mulaikah for about 20. They had seen the real me from the beginning and when I was going through some 'phases' in life .. they've seen it all and they're always there for me. I admit with guilt, that at some points in my life I had sort of hurt them.. but they always accept me as I am, accepting me with my good and bad. I always believe thats what good friendships are made of. Accepting the good and the bad of your mates. Noone is without faults. But when you can accept the faults of the other.. the relationship will go deeper.

And hey.. both are now married... Motien with 4 kids now and Mulai .. well.. expecting...! Motien's kids have always been in love with me.. hahahaha especially her eldest son, Najmi to the extent he once wanted to marry me !!! He was 3, I think at that time, playing horse ride with me when he whispered : " Mie (Najmi) wants to get married to Tie (Auntie) Ann !!! " that was so cute !!! and I said to Motien.. "hey look at just how long I have been single, now that even your son wants to get married to me.. ". And believe me, Najmi will turn out to be one handsome young man one day ! :)

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