My poor baby is not feeling very well. Took him to see the vet two days ago for a few shots. Last nite he looked better and this morning I could see that he's s still a bit weak.
I have to keep watch on him, not to let him out of the house. And every time I hold him I keep on chanting this to his ear :-
Ya Allah, janganlah bagi Popo sakit
* Aku kalau demam telan panadol saja.
Ahhhh poor Popo. Tengok gmbr dia ni - how can anyone not fall in love with him....
Get well soon, ya!
Popo kirim salam. Dia kata dia nak chocolate, dia kalau demam tak mau makan kibbles lagi dah...
popo nak nasi campur masak lomak cili padi tak?jom makan dengan saya popo..jommm...yummy!!
popo...get well soon..!
-aku budak pendang-
Menemui PoPo ku yang di ingati selalu. Wahhh how handsome you are, PoPo. I wish i could bite u mcm biskut bites tu... How are you today my dear? Feeling better? Did ur mama feed u well? or did she let u out still, jalan-jalan atas those tanah and rumput that byk cacing and kutu? hurmmm not good... not good.
I wish i can come over there and give u THE BIGGEST HUG EVER even ur mama couldn't challenge it, tp sad to say la my dear... i'm sick too huhuhu... Lucky for u, u don't have to be caged at the vets. Me? Aiyooo really sick man! They put me in a room, sharing with other people... but all of them, 3 peoples keep come and go, semuanya old timer.
I hope by now u already sihat walafiat as I am trying my best to be sihat walafiat to. Will look forward to arrange my time to meet u PoPo. BTW send my salam to ur mama... tell her i am so sorry sb couldn't make it lagi. As for u PoPo, get even montel. By the time i came u just be prepare...
Till then...
pecah kaca
pecah gelas
mama PoPo tolong baca
mama PoPo la yg balas
Sekut: Popo kirim salam, dia kata dia tak paham bahasa inggeris. Tapi pokok pangkalnya dia tahu you sayangkan dia juga dan u nak datang rumah peluk dia. So dia sekarang tgh bertungkus lumus menguruskan badan supaya u tak geram sangat tengok dia bila dia slim nanti....
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