Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Selamat Tahun Baru 2013

Ok , hari ini hari pertama utk 2013. ....

Hmmm ...

hmm... i wanted to say something grand, something greater than great, something that will give impact, but then what is a new year after all .... its just another ordinary day. Same sun, same sky same wind same of everything .

But then the difference is whats inside of you, what do you want to do this year ? what do you want to achieve .. what are your hopes ... how would you want it to be ? where would you want to be ?


I was busy doodling and drawing with my iPad last night the last night of 2012, I forgot to even set what I should achieve this year ..

well, I just hope this year to offer me the best it could offer and that I wouldn't be just doodling away and wasting time not noticing the offers ... and hope that the firm and I will make more money and that I would be much much closer to HIM and him, and my family ...

Happy New Year


kapalterbangkertas said...

happy new year mate. :D

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

eshh sapa tak tau kapalterbangkertas nih ......

tak ramai panggil gua "mate"...

thaks mate datang juga jengok blog yg bersawang mcm kipas rumah wa