Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm Roped But Nevertheless Grateful

I am about to make another commitment, big time commitment, at least bigger than any other I have ever made. It never really crossed my mind whether I am a commitment-phobic or not, but as time goes by, I am beginning to realize that I may be one.

Commitment... hmmm... I don't like to be committed because I believe I'm quite a free-spirit kind of person. Not really wanting to be tied to plans and rituals. I want to be free to be able to do whatever I want to do and whenever I want to, well, to certain extent of course. I guess thats why I am still single to this day, because HE knows I'm not quite ready yet.

But this new commitment I'm about to make really tie me up ! big time !. Even though I'm not sure when will I ever be able to go and work in Jakarta, backpack all around Europe for three months, laze around Cebu for a few weeks, learn how to surf in Bondi ..... but knowing the fact that I am not attached and free is sufficient to make me smile and continue dreaming.

But on the other hand, I should be grateful, Alhamdulillah, because HE is giving me what I asked for. The ones I get are those I really asked from HIM, and yeahhh.. I never really asked to work in Jakarta ! I guess I should start praying for the backpack through Europe ! Who knows , this one might go to my Wish List in HIS book.

** Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengingatkan diri saya dan juga pembaca blog saya yang lima orang itu untuk kita sama-sama terus bersyukur atas apa saja pemberianNYA yang kita terima. Cara kita menzahirkan syukur itu ... terpulanglah pada diri masing-masing. Dengan hanya bersyukur DIA telah berjanji untuk menambah lebih-lebih lagi.....

"If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you;
but if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed."

Surah Ibrahim : 7


Anonymous said...

Hah! Ni commitment apa lak ni? Cikfit u nak kawin ke? Jgn lupa saya hehe

Bila la tarikh nak jumpa dah nak jumpa dia nak bersendiri la pulak. kang org dah tak rajin plus dah kering dia suh dtg...

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

hmmm... mana ada... nanti lahhhh !

waktu orang rajin ajak dia... dia malas


Insya Allah pasti u akan datang juga (hehe.. confident)

zhfrz said...

I want to be free to be able to do whatever I want to do and whenever I want to, well, to certain extent of course