It's not a surprise that one of the last resorts 'they' could come up with was S@iful's oath. We all know that people would do just about anything to get their ways. This is not the first time THE BOOK has been a subject of of 'their' manipulation in proving a point or another. R@afidah had once used the same method, though as fas as I can recall she didn't exactly use the actual "lafaz" of oath, the Wallahi, Walillahi, Watallahi or Wabillahi.
The fact is, as you all know, one need not not to use the Quran to make an oath.
I am a bit disturbed and disgusted by "their" way of making use the Quran. To use the Quran only when they feel they need to for their political motive when the BOOK was sent down NOT for the main purpose for people to make oath. It's what inside of the Quran which is paramount, the whole guidance and laws for us all Muslim Mukmin to follow. Not a mere subject of being a witness for one's whatever motive.
I am asking "them",
Why suddenly its very important for everyone to ask just anybody to make an oath before the HOLLY BOOK when you have never bothered to even peep what more to understand and follow whats inside of it ?
Al A'raf: 23
The fact is, as you all know, one need not not to use the Quran to make an oath.
I am a bit disturbed and disgusted by "their" way of making use the Quran. To use the Quran only when they feel they need to for their political motive when the BOOK was sent down NOT for the main purpose for people to make oath. It's what inside of the Quran which is paramount, the whole guidance and laws for us all Muslim Mukmin to follow. Not a mere subject of being a witness for one's whatever motive.
I am asking "them",
Where did you place the Quran before ?
Where was the Quran when you were campaigning for the election?
Where was the Quran when you were sitting in Parliament?
Where was the Quran in your everyday life?
Why suddenly its very important for everyone to ask just anybody to make an oath before the HOLLY BOOK when you have never bothered to even peep what more to understand and follow whats inside of it ?
The day will come when the BOOK will testify for all that you did to it ...
For all that WE did to it
For all that WE did to it
"Our Lord! we have been unjust to ourselves,
and if Thou forgive us not, and have (not) mercy on us,
we shall certainly be of the losers."
Al A'raf: 23
betul cik Pretty, saya sgt la tak bersetuju orang2 yang jadikan Kitabullah ni hanya utk bersumpah kononnya mereka tak bersalah la apa lah. Bila nak buktikan apa2, maka semua pakat cari Al-Quran utk kepentingan sendiri. Cubalah buka dan baca isi2 di dlam Al-Quran itu. Nescaya tidak ada sesiapa pon akan berani sewenang wenang utk bersumpah dengannya. Wallahua'lam.
-Aku budak Pendang-
:) saya tak sokong sesape dlm hal ni... Mmg apa yg dia buat tu ada yg tak betul, tp berapa ramai dari para alim ulama kita yg guide this 'budak mentah' to do what's right? we never know...mungkin ada tapi dia tak mao dgr, mungkin juga tak ada. jika para cendiakawan islam di malaysia ini memberi tunjuk ajar cara yang betul, dan menegah cara yg salah sejak dari awal saya rasa mungkin perkara mcm ni tak terus berlaku. jika selepas dh jadi baru masing2 nak kata itu salah ini salah... siapa sebenarnya yg salah? kita semua juga. bab salah atau betul apa yg dia sumpahkan tu saya tak berani nk komen... jika dia sanggup tanggung dilaknat Allah krn berbohong maka jika panjang umur kita semua, kita akan dpt tgk la balasannya. jika apa yg disumpahkan tu benar... maka kita pun akan dpt tgk akibatnya juga.
wallahulam... :)
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