I finally got to take care of the third room last weekend, Alhamdulillah. Lots of letters from the past, bills from the last house, old photos from my younger days, old notes from schools, primary and secondary and of course books and notebooks from U. Lots of ME in the room. I was walking down memory lane that day.
There were even my work books in primary four. Math workbook done in pen. Can you believe it, we were supposed to do math using fountain ink pen. Must have taken lots of confidence to do math in ink but we never complained.
I found old love letters too.... hahaha looking and reading at all the letters, I just couldnt believe that the writer was me, so corny ! Ewwww... Those letters were from and to my previous loved ones. A few are draft and un-posted letters and notes to an Indonesian student I was stalking. Crazy me. If I had a kid, I wd never never let her/him see those letters, it was so embarrassing pouring my heart out like that. Ewwww.... again !
And of course I also founds notes of crazy games I used to play with Motien and Misbah. Yeah.. Misbah was actually playing stupid games with me and Motien, you know the old games of guessing names of celebrities, actress and actresses. I saw names of the Kapoors too in the game... so to accommodate Misbah's favourites,I reckon.
There were even my work books in primary four. Math workbook done in pen. Can you believe it, we were supposed to do math using fountain ink pen. Must have taken lots of confidence to do math in ink but we never complained.
I found old love letters too.... hahaha looking and reading at all the letters, I just couldnt believe that the writer was me, so corny ! Ewwww... Those letters were from and to my previous loved ones. A few are draft and un-posted letters and notes to an Indonesian student I was stalking. Crazy me. If I had a kid, I wd never never let her/him see those letters, it was so embarrassing pouring my heart out like that. Ewwww.... again !
And of course I also founds notes of crazy games I used to play with Motien and Misbah. Yeah.. Misbah was actually playing stupid games with me and Motien, you know the old games of guessing names of celebrities, actress and actresses. I saw names of the Kapoors too in the game... so to accommodate Misbah's favourites,I reckon.
Oh ya, I found a few old drawing blocks too. You see I loved to have a drawing block on my study table under my books, so that when ever I read or study I would every now and then stop and draw or write something on the block, usually lyrics of favourite songs, poems and whatever feelings I was having at the time and of course lots of doodling too.
During those days, I used to make my own greeting cards. I found this and I thought its cute to share it with all of you.
During those days, I used to make my own greeting cards. I found this and I thought its cute to share it with all of you.

.. during Ramadhan..
hoping to get a glimpse of the "Lailatul Qadar"
you have a very good sense of colors... and a very cute stroke too... don't throw away that child like talent in urs aaa... :)
thank you Yan...
sob sob terharu nih orang art yg puji....
patut kah mak buka galery.. (melampau dan mengada nih..)
waaah... aniq... keren bangeeet eeeuyy kartunya!!! i know you have good eyes as photog, but never knew you could draw... waaah.. kereeeen!!!! bikin dunk buat aku.... ahahahahaha....
Ijul: Makasih.... hehe iyah oleh kerana kamu orang Indonesia, satu negara yang aku suka, insya Allah aku akan buatkan satu kartu buatmu, tapi loe harus ke sini duluan... hehehe
wah. ai pun suka creative things nih, tapi takdak la sampai melukis2 cemtuh
anda memang haibat, ada talent. cuba cuba la hantar ke kompeni jual kad...manatau ...cayalahhh chantek gila
dian: thanks for dropping by and thanku for the compliment too... ehh pesal aku cakap omputih ni...
hahaha.. terima kasih lagi sekali. Taklah gila pun chantek tu....
u nak jadi our part time illustrator? hahaha... but it's true u have that certain talent there.
bukan semua org boleh tau combination color yg bagus or sesuai. ada org pandai melukis tp tak tahu mewarna. ada org tahu lukis serious stroke not childlike stroke (like me...kalau paksa baru nmpk katun if not balik2 jadi muka org real, gua menchi hahaha)
lupa lak nk komen pasal part bukak gallery tu...
part yang tu cek tak dpt la nak ckp mcm mana.... cek boleh guling ja la hahahaha
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