Good Morning Popo !
Pagi yang indah bangun melihat kamu
Popo kamu pun tahu
Ini bukan kamera selalu
Yang kuusung keserata ulu
Biarlah aku diam dulu
Aku belum mampu beli yang baru
Aku tetap sayang kamu Popo
*Ini bukan komposisi idea original aku. Masih berlambak benda yang sama kat Flickr.
But i think its still cute to have Popo next to the sneaker
it is nice, anique... good to see popo is so healthy... would love to pet him... you know that cats think they are gods, rite :p and we are their faithful servants giving them food and generally pampering them.... ahaha.... (ijul)
it is nice anique... good to see popo is so healthy.... would love to pet him.... you know how cats think they are gods, aight? :p
Wah Poe...
Montok sungguh ekor kamu! Boleh tak bagi auntie gigit sikit? Boleh laaa eh thehehehe :p
*mode geram geram gigi*
Ijul: hehehe ya ya i ve heard of that theory before ... some even say that cats are like women .... arrogant and spoilt . But Popo is not like that at all... nahhhhhh... hes a good cat....
Yan: Wehhh ,, hang ni asyik nak gigit Popo ja.... Lu belum tengok gigi Popo lagi... dia dok asah tiap2 hari sejak gua habak kat dia ada org nak gigit.
Alaaaaaaaaa... gigit gigit manje jer... gua pun asah gigi juga ni... eh tak boleh, haram hahaha
takpa la kalau dia nak gigit, i dah biasa kena gigitan budak kaki empat.
ekor popo! macam batu lesung, er?
tali kasut bentuk love, so cute ok
Yan Popo kalau asah gigi..fitrah lah .. kan sama species dgn rimau... tapi kalau u yang asah gigi... jadi Dracula atau Pontianak wehhhh
Ciken: memang la kalau cari batu lesung tak jumpa I capai ekor Popo ja.. tapi susah sikit lah nak menumbuk .. Popo asyik nak jalan....
Cinta di Kasut Biru - Tajuk Photo
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