Monday, March 20, 2006

Cycle Of Life

Your life revolves around a cycle. It’s the cycle of the same old routine. You can never get lost in your own cycle. Some people are so used to his/her routine that they are afraid of changes. Changing is taking chances. You don’t change unless you have the courage because by making changes you are going out of your own cycle. Instead of making an “O” figure routine, you may now take the “8” figure routine. In order for you to grow, you can never escape changes, you have to go every phases of your life that has been destined to you. But the choice is still in your hand. Like I ve said before in my previous entry, life is funny because your choice would eventually turn into your destiny. Sometimes people do not change their cycle pattern, they just jump into another routine only to find that they still end up in a cycle, only a different routine but still a cycle nevertheless.

The cycle only stops when the time comes. You leave your routine, you leave everything, leave everybody and you will now take a walk into eternity without really knowing where the journey will end. And this time the journey wont be in a cycle anymore. And at this moment of time you will suddenly realize that whatever you did before has no worth except things that relate you to HIM.

1 comment:

spanker said...

Changes are the only constant thing in life :)