Monday, February 09, 2009

The Dragon Is Impossible

Kedah V Arumugam has submitted his resignation, necessitating a by-election soon for the Bukit Selambau state seat.

It is learnt that Arumugam had decided to throw in the towel following tremendous pressure on him and his family to defect to B*ris*n N*sion*l.
source: Malaysiakini

You Malaysians had fed the baby dragon ever since he was born more than 50 years ago. You kept on feeding him even when he started to deceive and betray you. He grew to become the Monster he is now, impossible, spoiled and wild. You knew he was selfish, thinking only of himself. He never cared about you. He took many of your possession into his pocket and claimed his You kept on trusting him even when you knew he lied to you many many times. Its sad because you wanted so much to believe what you wanted to believe.

Its too late to tame him now. Even when you took away his five toys, he went crazy and berserk. He's hurt. Couldn't believe that you don't really want him anymore. Being a beast that he is, he is now doing many of the unthinkable unethical and beastly actions. Like many of the Crooks in the Malay movies, he is now laughing " Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha"

Its all your fault.



Aku... CikSekut said...

ann, u ni perli cik amno ka? err bila pikiaq balik... tak tau la i. wish la 'the other bench' tu ada org yg i boleh dok pecaya jugakla... pokcik nik dah makin uzur, yg lain dok ikut telunjuk ja tp tilik sana sini... haaa sama ja... antara ciknuar dan cikkapal... dua dua mcm ulaq... lama lama both party karamkan malaysia ni...

kita dipimpin oleh barisan politician yg terdiri dari katak lompat, mcm2 katakla... yg beracun tak beracun semua ada... hebat kita ni. Malaysia boleh!

*just my 1/2 cent thot* :)

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

Dats my point.

Yg diharapkan pun tak boleh 'deliver'.

Malaysia ni kecik ja.. patutnya taklah sampai jadi mcm sekarang.. apa yg jadi kat Malaysia ni buyi mcm benda yg jadi kat Afrika sana nuh... kan kan


Aku... CikSekut said...

cik ann thehehe

kalau dah yg diharap pun tak boleh deliver... to me... sama la mcm tak boleh harap la jugak tu :p 2x 5 ja. kesian kita kan kan

tu esok ada la kut yg jadi Mugabe Malaysia... dah 'gedebe gedebe' je semua...

ps: sorry ann, kalau i jadi org yg bwk keta sultan tu, i lenyek ja depa yg baring tu, dah nak mati sgt, amalan byk sgt dah kut. jgn la lenyek satu badan... lenyek jari ja. i nak tgk sanggup tak. konon nak bagi keta lenyek... dia kena lenyek tak pikir mak pak anak bini kat rumah... yg ketua depa dok syok dalam rumah... i tak paham la... nak je jentik pelipis telinge depa ni... :p

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

Maaf Yan.. I still respek dan hurmat mereka yang you kata berguling depan kereta tu .... its a matter of principle n voicing out the stand.
