Friday, June 11, 2010

Change Is Good - So They Say

This week is the toughest week for me and the firm. A few major changes are taking place and some are unexpected and shocking. Its like one after another and we could only wait and see if there are a few more coming.

Changes are inevitable, many and I suppose most of us do not really like changes because we usually feel safe with the same environment and the same routine. We do not want and perhaps the actual word is "afraid" to be out of our comfort zone. Because when there are changes we have to make adjustment to accommodate the changes. There are things that we might have to let go and there are new things that we might have to hold on to now.

And of course there are times when we ourselves are the instrument to the changes which can of course make other people hate not only the changes but us too.

Perhaps Allah is adjusting a grand plan for the firm and me and perhaps the changes can also be as a turning point for something better ...

But for now I can only wait and see and just pray that things will be alright and ok for everybody.

Rabbishrahli Sadri Wayassir Li Amri .......



My Life My Journey.. said...

Hope things getting better Ann.. Sibuk mcm manapun kesihatan kena jaga ya..:)

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

Fa: hahaha .. I m Ok Alhamdulillah .. only a few unexpected set backs suddenly hit us .. but insyaAllah we ll be ok...

Thanks Fa
