Thursday, June 10, 2004

Beautiful ..? Who.. me ..?

I was reading Sleeksexycat's blog where she was telling about the talent scout who stopped her asking her whether she would want to be a model for future advertisement. Wow ! I said to myself. She must really look good (though I ve never met her). To think that anyone would stop me for my look .. that is awesome !

I am not one who is considered beautiful or even good looking. I ve realised this for quite some times, since I was even a teenager. But I know of a few people who claim that I am kind of sweet. Just sweet. But not good looking enough to make some guys whistle or even drool over. Even if a stranger comes and says hello to me, I would probably look behind first before asking him for sure "Who.. me..?".

So beauty is in the eye of the beholder. How come all these beholders usually have the same definition of beauty ? My best friend in campus was beautiful (I bet she still is). I got so used of seing her getting all the atentions from the men. To the extent that I was not even known (among the guys) as for me, myself, Ann. I was known as 'her' best friend.There was one time when I had a 'small' crush on this one guy, and I thought he was looking at my way when actually his eyes were on someone on the other way .. yeap its her again. I never resented that though. I took it as it was.

And whenever I go to the gym with another friend of mine, men seem to flock her like shes one helpless lad. I asked cK for that matter, and he said that its maybe I have this certain aura around me. An aura of an independant woman, who looks serious and no-nonsense and as if she doesnt need a man. "And that perhaps you have that look that if the guy goes and says hello to you, you would give a look like "whats-the-hello-for" ..."

Yes, because of that inferiority complex in the look department, it never occured to me that someone would really be interested in me. "Even if there were men who were interested in you, they would have given up .. because of your ignorance in sensing the interest of others in you " so said cK.

"But you knew how to ..."
"Ohh.. thats because I'm one of the most patient man in the world "
"Maybe it really takes a real man to really know how to win my heart ....."
".. and because I look far beyond looks .. and I see the beauty somewhere there ..."

" Who... me...????"

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