Friday, April 01, 2005


Soft Tack & Infusion Durable Outdoor Cover

Wu huuuu .. I'm excited ! I ve got two new basketballs now.The first one fits my hand well and I love the feel of it. I got the second one because I think its more suitable for the court where I'm playing now and with the Infusion technology created by Spalding it has its own built in pump.

Its not that I never had basketball before, its been more that 20 years since I last had my Mikasa Basketball. I was only twelve and Abah was in Singapore. He asked me what do I want from S'pore, instead of asking for a doll or teddy bear like any other girls would, I asked for a basketball. He got me a Mikasa and I carried the ball all around even to school, and my frens just love the ball. The kids around the house flocked my house to play basketball with me even though we didnt have any hoop at the time (never thought of one). I dribbled the ball everywhere I went. Its my first love, and now I'm falling in love all over again with basketball. Now that I'm working I can afford to buy a good one, two in fact.

The craziest thing of all is that I m now willing to wake up at the wee hours everyday before the sun rises and get in the car to go to the court which is about 7 minutes drive just to play for about 40 minutes before coming back and get ready for work.

And now I carry the two balls in my car wherever I go.

And no, you can never find any other crazy woman who would do that ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make it 4 balls if your bf is wif U *hugs*