It was a tough decision, to be frank. Although I believed that it would be good for Popo to be neutered, deep down in my heart I am a true believer that we should not change the course of nature as being put by HIM. I had read almost every sources in the internet on the goodness of neutering and how it would benefit Popo, but my heart was still heavy. How could I when I looked at how active and playful Popo was. I was afraid of loosing his true color as a cat.
People kept telling me how neutering would make Popo lazy and sissy and that he would be fat. I was also afraid that neutering would reflect the selfish side of me, even though I knew neutering is not about me, its about him. But when I went to my mom's place and saw how terrible Aroyo looked, with scratches and all (it was mating season) I knew there n then that Popo must proceed with the neutering.
It was the first time I had to leave him alone at the Vet's place.I took the opportunity of going to Langkawi by leaving him with the Vet for one night and let him do the small operation the next day. I was sad to leave him in the cage next to that big dog, but I had no choice. Popo was never caged in my house.
When I came back from Langkawi to take him, I went straight away to the Vet's place and saw him sitting in the corner of the cage, very weak and stressful. He recognized my voice and with much difficulty tried to walk to the familiar voice. My heart was melting and I carried him to my chest. Popo hang on to me as if hes afraid I would leave him again.
I took him home. He was weak and quiet alrite. But then Popo has always been a non-talkative cat. He limped when he walked and it amused me because he walked like a drunken cat. I watched over him closely and noticed that hes a bit dirty. But I couldnt bathe him yet as I have to wait for the stitches to heal. He was limping but happy to be home.
Although Popo is a house cat, I still let him out of the house regularly. Even before the neutering, he would be let out roaming the neighborhood for a few hours and sometimes to my annoyance, when I had to go out looking for him. As Popo was still considered a kitten (going to its teen), he didnt have that much tendency to fight even though I did notice that some other cats were eyeing him mischievously.
After the neutering I still opened the door for him to go out. But that one night, when he didnt come back after more than one hour I had to go out and started calling for him (as if he could answer back). I was beginning to get worried when I suddenly saw him in the compound of an abandoned house.
People kept telling me how neutering would make Popo lazy and sissy and that he would be fat. I was also afraid that neutering would reflect the selfish side of me, even though I knew neutering is not about me, its about him. But when I went to my mom's place and saw how terrible Aroyo looked, with scratches and all (it was mating season) I knew there n then that Popo must proceed with the neutering.
It was the first time I had to leave him alone at the Vet's place.I took the opportunity of going to Langkawi by leaving him with the Vet for one night and let him do the small operation the next day. I was sad to leave him in the cage next to that big dog, but I had no choice. Popo was never caged in my house.
When I came back from Langkawi to take him, I went straight away to the Vet's place and saw him sitting in the corner of the cage, very weak and stressful. He recognized my voice and with much difficulty tried to walk to the familiar voice. My heart was melting and I carried him to my chest. Popo hang on to me as if hes afraid I would leave him again.
I took him home. He was weak and quiet alrite. But then Popo has always been a non-talkative cat. He limped when he walked and it amused me because he walked like a drunken cat. I watched over him closely and noticed that hes a bit dirty. But I couldnt bathe him yet as I have to wait for the stitches to heal. He was limping but happy to be home.
Although Popo is a house cat, I still let him out of the house regularly. Even before the neutering, he would be let out roaming the neighborhood for a few hours and sometimes to my annoyance, when I had to go out looking for him. As Popo was still considered a kitten (going to its teen), he didnt have that much tendency to fight even though I did notice that some other cats were eyeing him mischievously.
After the neutering I still opened the door for him to go out. But that one night, when he didnt come back after more than one hour I had to go out and started calling for him (as if he could answer back). I was beginning to get worried when I suddenly saw him in the compound of an abandoned house.
Boleh dia buat 'bodo' tercegat kat situ yang aku ni dok lah panggil
It was so annoying when he just stood there ignoring my call that I had to climb the fence and get him. And it was only the fourth day after the operation.
Helping me with the packing when I had (again) to be away.
It has been more than a month after the neutering and Popo has not changed that much. He is still a playful and adorable pet who likes to play hide n seek with me. The same old Popo who would jump on my feet after I come out of the bath, the one who still loves to play with his toys. He still goes out of the house occasionally but now I dont have to go out calling out his name on the street anymore. He would just sit under my car looking at the ongoing everyday life of the neighbours. And when I go to work, I would leave the window curtains open so that Popo could sit on the TV and watch the outside scene.

Oh yeah.. Popo can be 'kepoh' at times when he hears noises from the neighbour, he'd jump straight to the window and peeped at the neighbour, to my embarassment !
Oh ya, its also true when they say your cat would be more loving after neuter. Popo is I must say. And I'm still in denial when people tell me that he's fat
Sometimes the other feral cats would try to pick him for a fight or two, but Popo would run back into the house.
"Yeah you can call him sissy you gangster cats, but Popo is healthier and happier than you guys".
"Yeah you can call him sissy you gangster cats, but Popo is healthier and happier than you guys".
comeylnye popo!
i used to have 4cats at home.
but 2 is missing without any trace.
i've also been thinking of neutering my blom terlaksana lagi.
I read your post with interest. I believe that wisdom comes from God, and God gives us the wisdom to do things for our animals to keep them happy and healthy. You did the right thing for Popo.
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