Friday, March 06, 2009


We all have different values in life. What you think is important to you might not be so to other persons. And what some other persons consider to be the top on their priority list may not be so on yours. 

Its a matter of how to compromise with all these different values and how much you want to lean and bend backwards or forward so as to accommodate with other people's  values. 

Even so, I still think that when it comes to certain issues and matters, we might discover that most people would be standing on the same ground of values, and it would be difficult for us to understand those who do not stand on that same ground.

I am still trying to understand this certain issue I m facing and I m so close to label a  few people as "very uncouth".

I wish I dont have to be judgmental but like I said, on certain issues, I do expect us all to be on the same stage. 

My mistake.


1 comment:

Aku... CikSekut said...

hurmmm what kind of issues? :p