Friday, August 11, 2006

The Three Articles

Article 3
(1) Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be practised in peace and harmony in any part of the Federation.

Article 4
(1) This Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Day which is inconsistent with this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void

Article 11
(1) Every person has the right to profess and practice his religion and, subject to Clause (4), to propagate it.

Why are you then crying out today when Lina has converted to Christianity? There is nothing one can do if she so chooses because these are the Articles that have allowed her to.

You cant do anything because the reason is you as a Muslim has failed in making this country an Islamic country. Whether you like it or not, the fact remains that Malaysia has never been an Islamic country, though UMNO has been chanting that it is. Why are you shouting now at Lina, because even when PAS has been making proposal towards HUDUD, not all Muslims have been behind PAS. The Hudud proposal may not be a perfect one but at least it is one small step towards an Islamic country.

But what you, UMNO did when Hudud was brought up by Pas? You shot it down. Instead of helping Pas in amending the draft, you even let all your non-muslims counter parts have their say when they should not interfer at all with Hudud, because Hudud is a Muslims' business.

Apostacy is not the only seven deadly sins. Drinking, adultery have been part and parcial of many Muslims' lifesyle now and what have we done to stop all these ? We havent. We cant do anything when the primary principle which we should have taken steps towards it has not been taken care of.

As per Article 3, Islam as the religion of the Federation has been implied only to rituals and not more than that.And nothing in the constitution mentions that Islamic Law is paramount because Article 4 clearly states that nothing is above the Constitution.

Having a Muslim Prime Minister does not make Malaysia an Islamic country.
Having an International Islamic University does not make Malaysia an Islamic country.
Having Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad does not make Malaysia an Islamic country.

How can Malaysia be one if the Constitution is the Supreme Law ?

Didnt we Muslims realize these before ? These are the roots behind all the troubles now. The non-Muslims are right to depend on the three Articles.

We should have fought the Article 3, Article 4 and Article 11 long before Lina's case. Instead of bashing Lina we should have bashed those who were behind the creation of the Constitution and those who never do anything to amend it.

And yes, I still uphold my view that those Muslims should not be among the groups who are for Lina and her rights. Let the non-Muslims fight whateverv they think are their rights, but you Muslims brothers and sisters shouldnt be in their camp.You should instead be helping your Muslims brothers and sisters to create an Islamic country.

If only Malaysia is an Islamic country, things wouldnt be the same.

(But to debate what type of an ideal Islamic country....thats another issue.....)

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