Saturday, September 13, 2003

It can be very very boring waiting your turn at the clinic. theres no such thing as appointment here, in my case. well actually its my grandmother's case .. shes the one in line waiting for her turn; Im the chauffer.

I'm tired and exhausted... must the tension (again) this morning. Yes its supposed to be my off day.. but you know when the-file-is-in-your-hand-and-u-have-to-attend-to-it urgently . boss was depressed with the file and I was the punching bag. Maybe I should be more aware of the things running under my nose. But hey.. a simple letter of confirming the conversation should do it. I dont have to follow their b*tt all around.

The golden rule of my firm : Please confirm everything in writing ! Believe me it works. and it will save your *ss later on. confirm confirm and confirm and your life will be better.

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