Thursday, July 05, 2007

Darjah 3 Merah

Lagi cerita sekolah.

When my mother transferred me from a mixed school to an all girls school, I was placed in the last class, Darjah 3 Merah since all other classes were already fully occupied. With due respect to my classmates, I have to tell you that most of the pupils in the class, say about 80% of them could not even read. The other 20%, due to some unfortunate circumstances, were the ones who were last or second last in their standard two exam and had to be placed in that last class "E", out of the five classes.

I had no problem adjusting myself to the new environment. I made a few friends and I still remember some of their names especially Neoh Phaik See and Noraini; the former for always being second in the class and the latter, third. I was closer to Phaik See rather than Noraini and Noraini apparently didn't really like me. I guess because I was new, a top in the class and being our class teacher, Puan Faridah's favourite. Noraini never failed to tell me to my face that she would and she could take the top spot I had been holding for the last two terms. This kind of threaten really made me worried. I was a bit disturbed and anxious that she might be able to do that. Being a child you have your own set of worries and problems and Noraini's words were one of them which led me to being sleepless at night.

But Alhamdulilllah, at the end of the year, I still finished first in the class and had the opportunity to go on stage for the prize giving ceremony from the late Sultanah Bahiyah.

And in the words of my newly acquainted* wise friend, Motien:-

"Dia boleh la dapat nombor satu ; dia dok (duduk) kelas bodo"

Welcome to the world of Motien.


*edited: that year 1980 I first met Motien


Anonymous said...

wahahaha... i like motien...
she's so sarcastic but so true
yala dok kelas bodo boley la
cube acu try test dok kelas pandai
mau dpt tekanan perasaan wehh :p

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

hahahaha.. memang ponggg !

shes so brutally honest but in such a funny way, I can still recall her tone and expression and people laugh whenever I quote her saying.

banyak lagi my adventures dgn motien tu.


Anonymous said...


I was in so-called kelas bodo too. Hehehe... The best memories was when one of my so-called bodo friend became not-so-bodo anymore. Hahaha... after that, I think the teacher use that model: put one so-called bodo student among a group of so-called pandai student (cannot be vice versa).

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

kesian kan... budak2 kena panggil bodo. I think we should stop calling those slow learner or late bloomer students as "bodo". "Bodo" should only apply to adults who park their cars by the roadside making it difficult for others to pass by.