Sunday, July 22, 2007

Popo Potter

I was not among the fans in line, camping the whole night in front of the bookstores all over the world. I have all the other 6 books and of course I would not want to miss this one. I could wait, I didn't even pre-book the book, I knew I had all the time in the world. Its Alor Star after all, you would not find kids in Hogwarts' uniform floating around the nite of pre-launching. But I knew one (no, shes not a kid anymore) in Kampung Berjaya who couldnt wait for the book, and even she did not have to wake up at 3 in the morning.

I went to Borders in Penang that day, and there were many left on the rack but they didnt have the cover (supposedly to be adult's version) I wanted.

I bought one at Tesco for RM69-90.

Dont blame me ! Would you pay another RM40-00 more for the same book?

Hey.. I even bought my GAP shirts at FOS for RM19-00 each!

PS: I still cannot get close to the book, Popo has not left the book since I first brought it home.


Aku... CikSekut said...

between popo and the book...ermmm
i'll choose popo instead
maybe in popo's mind what he really meant was...
"hey, which one you prefer? me or the book?"

Anonymous said...

helooooooooo hapdate la weiiii
malas tau dia ni... :p

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

Haha.. Popo kalau pegang buku tak lepas punya.. tambah2 kalau dia pegang dgn gigi dia.. mau terkoyak buku dan majalah saya...