Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Some People Just Got It

I have to admit here how talented Hadie is when it comes to photography.
That same scene wont be as beautiful through my own lenses.

She just has it.


Anonymous said...

Tulah pasal.

Ada D40x pun tak guna kalau tak tau guna...heheh! Like me.

It's the eyes lah...

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

Ya lah.. sama macam basikal juga kan, kalau beli puluh2 ribu kayuh takat 2okm/h baik tak payah kan kan kan....

same goes with big expensive and fast cars..kalau takat boleh bawa 110km/h...

*sour grapes

Aku... CikSekut said...

nice photo indeed, if there're more grass and amke it more blur, in even more dramatic... :)