Monday, May 26, 2008

Popo Was In Trauma, The Kitchen Cabinet Still Hasnt Come

I ve moved in to the new house. Most of the things were shoved into the big black plastic bags, and some thrown into the boxes with a thought that the unpacking and finding things would be dealt with later. (Sure enough... I could not find my my shirt after that).

The main issue I had to face during the transition was Popo. It was such a traumatic experience for him and for me too for not knowing how to handle him. He was so terrified with all the bustling, sounds of things being moved and voices of strangers in the house. It was apparent I was not prepared when it came to him. At one point he was so scared that he went into hiding and I found him later on with full of dirts and oil ( i think he must have been hiding under a vehicle). I put him inside the toilet and later into a cage and Popo went berserk. He had never been caged before.

When I brought him inside the new house, he was still inside the cage, crying and complaining but a bit calmed as he started to see things which are familiar to him, like the sofas, his play tent, Jamis (my bike, not a Javanis worker) and a few other things which are not new to his sniffing nose.

Since there were still some strangers inside the house, he was still in shock and when I let him out of the cage, he went into a corner and stayed there for quite some times. He was only relaxed after being coaxed with some fresh shrimps and the sound of my sweet tender loving care voice. (Perlukah dijelaskan di sini suara aku sweet? Ya, perlu.).

Anyways, after two nights at the new house he is now adjusting himself well with the surroundings, sniffing and snooping around.


Oh ya.... I love my new house !


Anonymous said...

Tahniah rumah baru.
Wish I could invest in one too.

Aku... CikSekut said...

wahahaha mak kucing yang trauma tengahari buta... meroyan kejap ek hahaha... tu baru beranak kan kucing...

*rumah kamu cantik ke? siap!*
*suara kamu merdu ke? siap!*


spanker said...


mau pictures..

Anonymous said...

hurrah to new house!

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

Haza: Thanx. Insya Allah you will one day... (just like you wished you could run...)

Sekut: Baru tau langit tinggi rendah. Hehe... kena mai tengok dan dengar baru tau... awwww

Spanker: Yeah... my kitchen my kitchen .... sent aledi

Hadie: Now u can have a nice guest room for u to lepak when u babysit Popo next time ...

Thanks All


Anonymous said...

Selamat masuk rumah baru.jgn lupa baca surah Al-Baqarah ye.

-aku budak pendang-

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

ABP: ha ahh.. Baqarah tu depa kata baca sampai tiga kali .... tau saja lah nama pun Surah Lembu ... besar tu.. panjang pula lagi...

Mai lah rumah kita baca sekali..


Anonymous said...

Tunggu saya balik Kedah minyak pon naik ni tak dpt nak balik selalu.Saya baca Surah Lembu dari KL sajalah ye Cik Pretty.

-Aku budak Pendang-