Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

How nice it is now that my house is very near to the Pasar Ramadhan.

It only takes less than 2 minutes from my gate to the eventful parade on the street.

I can even smell roasted chicken and murtabak from my house.

How wonderful.


Selamat Berpuasa Everybody


Aku... CikSekut said...

Heh CikFit, I wish also la the bazar ramadhan just right in front of our lift door... senang boleh ajak Pingu check food... Ini bazar ramadhan pun tarak, nak cium bau? jgn harap...

Anonymous said...

cik pretty tak menjual sekali ke?jual cup cake laku tu...percayalah!!

-aku budak pendang-

Anonymous said...

cik aniq, this time of the year, i am eating a poor man's meals. but that's okay. hope to lose a few kilograms... hueheehueheuheueheuehu