Thursday, September 07, 2006

Calvin and Hobbes

You can see that I ve been reading some of my "Calvin and Hobbes" collections again. This boy never fails to fascinate me. I love his wit, his humour, his thoughts on everyday life. But I also feel pity for him for being such a loner, I mean in relation to his social life with other kids, (except for Susie Derkins of course, for almost everybody thinks that Calvin has a mild crush on that sweet smart girl). Even Bill (Bill Watterson) thinks that Calvin might face a hard time getting a girlfriend considering the way hes treating Susie right now.

Ms Wormwood : Which state are you in ?
Calvin : Denial

There were a few ocassions where Bill tried to make Calvin join the scout and even the baseball team, but Calvin is not really a team player, he detests rules and he cant stand being ordered around, and I doubt that Calvin has any talent for sport actually. The only game he can play is "CalvinBall" which he plays with Hobbes (the rule changes as you play along and the only rule to be followed is that you cannot make the same rule twice).

In his own world, Calvin is never alone, Hobbes is always there for him, his partner in crime. The time he spends with Hobbes, their views about the world .... ahhhh... I can never get enough of this boy.

Too bad Bill has stopped drawing Calvin.


Anonymous said...

Hey I love Calvin and Hobbes too.

Apa yg paling best - Bill Waterson tak penah bg permission utk meng"comersial"kan Calvin and Hobbes. If not, I'll be wearing Calvind and Hobbes t-shirt to office. Hehe.

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

Yes.. thats what make Bill "cool".

There was only one time when the only licensed and approved Calvin shirt ever existed.

Check this out :-