Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Will Ye Have Patience ?

"We have made some of you as a trial for others:
Will ye have patience?
For Allah is One Who sees (all things)"

Al Furqan :20

Just when you think that a person is a test to you, he may be thinking the other way round too. Because we are all not the same, we have to adapt to our differences with patience and kindness. When you are in a disagreement with someone you have to take a look at the background of the situation. You have to find out the stories behind your opponent. You have to try be in his shoes to make you understand his views and situations. Instead of concentrating on yourself, you have to step outside the box that s surrounding the person and you and evaluate the circumstances around it without being too emotional. Most of the times when you do that, you will understand the whole state of affair better. You might even find out the actual reason of your anger or resentment.

We sometimes do not get angry at the person, we are angry because of the situation and the circumstances. We are angry because we cannot handle the situation thats been shoved to us without prior notice. We are actually frustrated because our expectations have been smashed. Most of the times, we get angry because we loose control of ourself.

And next time when I'm about to go crazy because the driver in front of me is driving at 20kmph, I would think of this verse !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with you...
More often we always take things for granted ... not bother to really take time to think and ponder ...
We only realize our mistakes after damage has been done ...
Nevertheless.. we should keep trying to better ourself as we are just humans ...